Here’s how Pilates has helped some of my clients:

“I have been coming to Kate’s Pilates for over a year. My back and core strength is so much stronger than it was. I really enjoy Kate’s delivery of the classes”

Caroline Rostron

“Pilates has helped me to release the tension in my lower back where I have ongoing pain from a bulging disc. I have had several private lessons and do some of the exercises at home in between sessions. Pilates is a safe way to exercise, and I am happy with the results”

Brett Bain

“I have been going to Kate’s classes now for over a year, during this time I have lost over 2 stone in weight. Pilates has helped tone my body and develop my core strength. I also have back problems and Kate has worked on this area, I now don’t need painkillers everyday!

Kate is a very enthusiastic person who encourages all levels to push themselves without feeling pressured. She is a great person and keeps the classes interesting and light-hearted whilst keeping the momentum going, you don’t realise what you have achieved until you suddenly remember one day you couldn’t do that exercise 6 months ago! Thanks Kate.”

Katherine Caldwell

“I was very sceptical about joining Pilates but after a recommendation from my friend thought I would give it a go. I joined Kate’s class and started going once a week and to my amazement I really enjoyed it and just generally felt so much better for doing it so I decided to increase the number of times I went to twice a week!”

Rhian Jones

“I have been a member of Kate’s Monday evening class for 18 months now and cannot recommend her highly enough. She makes you feel welcome from the minute you arrive and I have always felt she cares about my individual needs rather than just running a class. I am definitely fitter and feel so much more flexible since starting”

Sharon Leonard

“Pilates is great for toning your whole body, strengthening your stomach and core muscles – it helps you to walk tall!! A friendly and fun class is guaranteed every time.”

Nicola Slater

“Although I have only been doing Pilates a short time and I have never done it before, I am noticing a fantastic difference in my suppleness and flexibility. I was advised to take up Pilates to help a back injury I sustained through riding and I have had this problem for many years, so didn’t think much could be done, however, I am really pleased to say I am getting so much stronger. I would recommend anyone of any age to try Pilates, it is very enjoyable”.

Marilyn Childe

“I had a friend who had a replacement hip operation, and she told me how good Pilates was in helping her recovery. I knew my core strength had disappeared after 15 years not playing any sport, so I looked for a local Pilates class and found one run by Kate in my village hall. I started classes in January 2010, and although I was the only man in the group I have enjoyed these sessions.

I am truly feeling the benefit of the exercises put together by Kate – she listens to your concerns and structures exercises to help support any muscular problem. If you are unsure about coming to one of her classes I can truly say you should come along and see for yourself the benefits you get from Pilates”.

Alan Beardmore